Sunday, December 29, 2019


Expanded Comparison Matrix Paper Gloria Moore Grand Canyon University RES-811 October 23, 2013 Expanded Comparison Matrix Paper In this paper there are three articles that we are going to examine, the first articles is review is Transformational Leadership the structure of an organization affects leadership within the public sector. The article tries to analyse the characteristics of the public sector with regard to the obstacles it represents towards leadership that is transformational. This way it is easier to see through the effectiveness and the performance within the municipal institutions. Comparison of Literature Review This first article analyzes the effects that organizational structure has on leadership†¦show more content†¦The conclusion thus answers the question that was subject of the research that indeed structure does not matter as many perceive it. The second article The Effect of Transactional and Transformational Leadership Styles on the Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Customer Contact Personnel by Emery Barker. The article covers job satisfaction and organizational commitment in the context of transformational elements like charisma, intellectual stimulation and individual consideration and transactional elements like contingency rewards with an emphasis on the banking and food industry. The Emery and Baker’s article used 77 subjects, from the banking industry and another 47 drawn from a single food chain. The ideas enumerated by the article suggest that job satisfaction and commitment to delivery are more pegged on transformational leadership than on transactional leadership (Emery and Baker, 2007). To as far as this article contend that the elements of transformational leadership are more connected to job satisfaction which is reflected on the attitude of the customer contact person towards the cu stomer then it is in agreement with all the other there articles on the importance of transformational leadership. The parallel drawn in transformational and transactional leadership forms the conclusion which is in tandem with the research question, as hypothesized and confirmed by Emery and Baker that customer contact The third article

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Kate Chopin s The Storm - 1706 Words

Written in a time when a woman’s sexual desires were considered unimportant and inappropriate, Kate Chopin writes a story portraying a married woman in the 1890’s who involves herself in an adulterous relationship with her former lover, Alcee. In â€Å"The Storm,† Chopin refrains from condemning Calixta’s sexual immorality by drawing parallels between the storm and her passion while ultimately allowing Calixta to move from the traditional housewife to a more liberating feminist role. Chopin uses the symbol of the storm to portray the brewing storm, its peak, and end with Calixta’s sexual encounter with Alcee. The storm is being used as a metaphor for Calixta’s increasing passion. In the beginning, â€Å"the leaves were so still† and the â€Å"somber clouds were rolling with sinister intention,† foreshadowing chaos and impending destruction. Similarly, Calixta is blissfully unaware of the quickly approaching storm as she furiousl y sews at her sewing machine. She is also unaware of her increasing sexual desires being stirred within her and is unaware of the chaos that lies ahead. Chopin writes, â€Å"But she felt very warm and often stopped to mop her face on which the perspiration gathered in beads. She unfastened her white sacque at the throat. It began to grow dark†¦she got up hurriedly and went about closing windows and doors.† Chopin is foreshadowing Calixta’s passionate encounter with Alcee by using the increasing humidity of the incoming storm to provide means for taking her clothesShow MoreRelatedKate Chopin s The Storm Essay1339 Words   |  6 Pagesfamous writer Kate Chopin once said, â€Å"The voice of the sea speaks to the soul.† The Awakening, (1899). Kate Chopin was widely recognized as one of the leading writers of her time. She was an American author of short stories and novels. She was born on February 08, 1850 in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. She died on August 22, 1904, in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. Written in 1898 but not published until it appeared in The Complete Works of Kate Chopin in 1969, The Storm has been widelyRead MoreKate Chopin s The Storm1623 Words   |  7 Pages Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Storm† Kate Chopin’s short story â€Å"The Storm† was written almost at the same time as â€Å"The Awakening,† but the author has not dared to publish it. The story encompasses deep social problems important for the nineteenth century, including women’s rights and women’s sexuality. The plot of â€Å"The Storm† is sequel to â€Å"At the ‘Cadian ball,† published almost six years earlier, although the characters have obtained different features and behavioral patterns. Kate Chopin was born in 1851Read MoreAnalysis Of Kate Chopin s The Storm 915 Words   |  4 PagesSeptember 30, 2015 Analysis of Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Storm† â€Å"The Storm† by Kate Chopin is a story of passion and desire where morality has no home when it comes to love, sex, and marriage. â€Å"The Storm† as the title implies, tells a story about Calixta a married woman who has an affair with Alcee, a former beau who is also married. As the storm approaches so does Alcee riding upon his horse and he asks â€Å"May I come in and wait on your gallery till the storm is over, Calixta?† (Chopin , pg 121). She allows himRead MoreKate Chopin s The Storm883 Words   |  4 PagesBasically, the setting in the short story of Kate Chopin ‘The Storm’ presents a clear demonstration of an illicit but a romantic love affair. Indeed, the title has been used perfectly to signify the adulterous love affair. Most importantly, it is evident that the storm has not been used as a mere coincidence but instead it has been used to steer the story and the affair forward. In fact, the storm has been significant during the star t of the story, during its peak and ultimately in the end. AlthoughRead MoreAnalysis Of Kate Chopin s The Storm 1842 Words   |  8 PagesMagen Ware Phyl Charnes English 28, March 2014 Betrayal My research paper is on The Storm, by Kate Chopin. This story is about two married couples having an affair during a fierce storm while their partners are elsewhere. Alcee is a high class, landowner and liked Calixta who was lower class. They were in love but could not let anyone know because it would be a disgrace. Five years later, they were both separately married and did not talk often. Calixta and Bobinot are married and they haveRead MoreKate Chopin s The Storm Essay1031 Words   |  5 PagesDr. Firtha English 1B January 17, 2016 The Storm by Kate Chopin. While it has traditionally been men who have attached the ball and chain philosophy to marriage, Kate Chopin gave readers a woman’s view of how repressive and confining marriage can be for a woman, both spiritually and sexually. While many of her works incorporated the notion of women as repressed beings ready to erupt into a sexual a hurricane, none were as tempestuous as The Storm. A storm can have several meanings, an â€Å"aggressiveRead MoreAnalysis Of Kate Chopin s The Storm 1161 Words   |  5 Pageswhat would lead them to love and their happy ever after. Despite that, they always didn’t really love who they married, but they stood by because it was frowned upon for women to break the commitment of marriage, during this time period. In Kate Chopin’s, â€Å"The Storm† you ca n see that Calixta is unhappy in her married life, and it leads her to break away from the regular rules of a women in that time period. Similarly, in â€Å"Cinderella† by Anne Sexton, Cinderella does not seem happy in her marriage withRead MoreKate Chopin s The Story Of An Hour And The Storm844 Words   |  4 PagesKate Chopin’s short stories testify to display to the readers her viewpoints about love, sex and marriage that one is not usually aware of. These three topics all tied together. Typically, it’s easy to think that when you love someone you get married to them. You only commit yourself to them and no one else. Of course not all marriages work out but that’s life. In two particular short stories though, it establishes the struggle for woman around the 1800’s. Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The story of an Hour† andRead MoreAn Analysis Of Kate Chopin s The Awakening And The Storm 1115 Words   |  5 Pages The late 1800’s was a cruel and unjust period in history for women. Around this time, women sought out to find equality and began the feminist movement. However, religious and social traditions still held strong, thus allowing the continuation of suppression of women’s rights, such as marriage and freedom. While many saw women as property rather than people, women were gathering a voice and eventually prompted to make a stand for their rights. Two pieces of timeless literature that express thisRead MoreKate Chopin s A New England Nun And The Storm1201 Words   |  5 PagesWhen the notorious topic of women’s role in society comes to mind writers like Kate Chopin and Mary Wilkins Freeman break the norms of how women in America were imagined to be through different cultures and regions. In both Kate Chopin’s and Mary Wilkins Freeman’s time period women are portrayed as an ample servant to their husbands. Together the texts show how the controlled und erstanding of the nineteenth century society, had on women. At that time of these writers, people were restrictive about

Friday, December 13, 2019

Abuses of Technology Free Essays

For the skeptic minds, this quotation is enough to rest the debate, however for many, It becomes important to make them see the other side of the picture as well. Social networking, news and knowledge on the go, cures and diagnosis of many diseases, connectivity around the world and turning the world in to a global village are some of the benefits of the technology. Sadly, humans have become so shallow that we close our eyes to any harmful effect of the things that give us the benefit of even the slightest percentage. We will write a custom essay sample on Abuses of Technology or any similar topic only for you Order Now Ladies and gentlemen, the problems that we are facing today’s are Like a tribe with technology as their tribal flouters ancestor. Allow me to state my stance. Teen depression. Teen suicide. The figures attached to these numbers are massive and the rate of growth In these numbers Is high as well. The mall reason attached behind Is the abuse the teenagers face especially on the social networks such as Faceable. Everyone becomes a victim. No one has a personal life anymore. Privacy becomes an issue. Pictures of girls are circulated around the globe. One rumor is enough to ruin the life of an individual. Family ties are limited online as well. The emotional level is as unpredictable as a network connection. Weapons in the hands of the army are a symbol of valor and safety, in the hands of racist groups are the symbols of terrorism. This is the exact scenario for the social networking platforms. Little good has come out from social media activist than the harm from the rest of the world. Technology is used by many to gain knowledge. Everything is just a click away for the world. But let us question our self on an honest note, what type of knowledge do we gain from it. For how long can we sit and study. Books are the most renewable resource of information and knowledge and even while sitting online, we are referred to books. The harmful causes attached to it, eye sight, and constant vulnerability to radiations lead to cancerous diseases. Let us go back. Iraq! What good use did technology bring? Nuclear bombs? Weapons of mass destruction? They said technology will lead to the exact location. Let me remind everyone where it led after killings millions, to a single word, Sorry. In the end ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case for the intellect of your mind to decide without being bias. By Sarah Alicia Abuses of Technology By Sarah-Alicia it becomes important to make them see the other side of the picture as well. Social are like a tribe with technology as their tribal fictitious ancestor. Allow me to state my and the rate of growth in these numbers is high as well. The main reason attached behind is the abuse the teenagers face especially on the social networks such as world. Technology is used by many to gain knowledge. Everything is Just a click away killings millions, too single word, Sorry. In the end ladies and gentlemen. How to cite Abuses of Technology, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Dover Beach Essay Research Paper Dover BeachHow free essay sample

Dover Beach Essay, Research Paper Dover Beach How can life be so fantastic, but at times seem so intolerable? This is a inquiry that Matthew Arnold may hold asked himself, while composing # 8220 ; Dover Beach. # 8221 ; The verse form, one of Arnolds best plants, is about a beach that is genuinely beautiful, but holds much deeper significance than what meets the oculus. Matthew Arnold presents a really existent subject of love and luster in his verse form. He creates a scene of beauty among the sea and shores, assorted with dark and moonshine ( Harrison ) . Along with the beauty he besides presents us with implicit in wretchedness, which is easy over looked and disregarded. Arnold writes truly of love and loss and relates it with human wretchedness. # 8220 ; Dover Beach # 8221 ; is the affecting look of the despairing demand for love which work forces feel in this universe ( Miller ) . As the storyteller looks out his window, he sees a beautiful universe of nature: the sea and the drops under the freshness of the Moon. Describing this scene to his lover, he invites her to # 8220 ; come to the window # 8221 ; so that she might see it excessively. From their exalted vantage point the moonshine reveals an ocean that lies composure, a tide that is full, the distant seashore of France, and the drops of England ( Ball ) . Arnold describes a dark in which the glow of the moonshine plaies across the bay. This is a most placid dark and he is sharing it with the adult female he loves. However, the talker wishes his lover to see more than merely what is on the surface. Rather, he wants the talker to see the beach as an dry image that is a representation of the universe that the he sees ( Dickey 235 ) . During the first portion of the verse form Arnold provinces, # 8220 ; The Sea is unagitated tonight # 8221 ; and in line 7, # 8220 ; Merely, from the long line of spray # 8221 ; . In this manner, Arnold is puting the temper or scene so the reader can understand the point he is seeking to portray. In lines 1-6 he is speaking about a really peaceable dark on the of all time so unagitated sea, with the moonshine reflecting so intensely on the land. Then he states how the moonshine # 8220 ; glows and is gone # 8221 ; because the # 8220 ; drops of England # 8221 ; are standing at their highest extremums, and are barricading the visible radiation of the Moon. Next, the moving ridges come howling into the image, as they # 8220 ; pull back and fling the pebbles # 8221 ; onto the shore and back out to sea once more ( Spender 246 ) . Arnold may non be composing a scene of poetic fiction ; it seems instead a contemplation of the alterations he sees in his universe due to a rationalism that opposes traditional spiritual beliefs ( Mermin 83 ) . Arnold # 8217 ; s rational background and civilization leads him to remember the Grecian play, # 8220 ; Sophocles # 8221 ; when he compares the # 8220 ; Aegean # 8217 ; s turbid wane and flow # 8221 ; of the sea, to the flow of human wretchedness. As the talker begins to contemplate T he scene and listens to the â€Å"pebbles grating with the moving ridges, † and an â€Å"eternal note of sadness† emerges ( Riede 239 ) . The universe changes invariably merely like the pebbles that the moving ridges fling continuously. Nature may alter and have no bad effects, but â€Å"human misery† endures. He is so reminded of his ain clip and can hear the human wretchedness that surrounds him and his love. The sea is get downing to go rougher and agitated. Besides the reference of â€Å"human misery† implies that life begins and ends, but it can still be full of felicity, and unluckily, at the same clip, unhappiness ( Allot ) . The storyteller feels like many other romantics feel: while populating in a modern universe, they long for the great ages of the past. Like Arnold, the talker feels isolated from the universe around him. It seems as if everything great in the yesteryear is gone, and the great ages of the hereafter have non yet to come ( Rowse ) . As Arnold displacements to the traditions of faith, he ironically suggests that those who recognize the relentless agony of humanity must besides admit the diminution of traditional spiritual religion. As he contemplates Dover Beach, Arnold hears the # 8220 ; melancholy, long retreating boom # 8221 ; of the # 8220 ; Sea of Faith. # 8221 ; In stanza two, Arnold draws an analogy between the one time full, but now withdrawing tide and what he calls the # 8220 ; Sea of Faith ( Jump ) . # 8221 ; # 8220 ; The Sea of Faith was one time, excessively, at the full, and round Earth # 8217 ; s shore. # 8221 ; The key word in that stanza is one time, because it implies that the storyteller used to look at the sea in a different manner than he does now. Throughout the whole verse form, Arnold uses a metaphor to depict his positions and sentiments. It seems as though Arnold is oppugning his ain religion. The whole verse form is based on a metaphor # 8211 ; Sea to Faith. When the sea retre ats, so does faith, and leaves us with nil ( Miller ) . Religion provides no alleviation for his unhappiness, nor does societal or political action ( Riede ) . The lone hope left seems to be in personal love. Therefore, his talker begs his lover to # 8220 ; allow us be true to one another! # 8221 ; We learn that the storyteller is talking straight to his lover. His tone returns to a sense of composure as he presents the thought that they must soothe and stay faithful to the thought that they must stay faithful to one another because their relationship is all that they have. In these last nine lines, the land, which he thought was so beautiful and new, is really nil # 8211 ; # 8220 ; neither joy, nor love, nor light # 8221 ; . # 8220 ; We are here though every bit on a darkling field, swept with baffled dismaies of battle and flight, where nescient ground forcess clash at dark # 8221 ; . In world, Arnold is showing that nil is certain, because where there is light there is dark and where there is happiness there is sadness ( Riede ) .

Thursday, November 28, 2019

William Shakespeare creates a lot of tension for the audience in Romeo and Juliet during act one scene five Essay Example For Students

William Shakespeare creates a lot of tension for the audience in Romeo and Juliet during act one scene five Essay William Shakespeare creates a lot of tension for the audience in Romeo and Juliet during act one scene five, where we see Romeo and Juliet fall deeply in love. The audience know that they are both from feuding families- the Capulets and Montagues before Romeo and Juliet themselves discover it, which creates tension. Shakespeare also creates tension by showing contrasts in the moods and emotions of the characters, particularly Tybalt and Capulet. He also uses different styles of language, acting and dramatic irony to produce more tension within this scene. The atmosphere at the beginning of the scene is very bright, entertaining and effective. This is because Capulet is welcoming his guests in a humorous and cheerful manner. Welcome gentlemen. Ladies that have their toes unplagued with corns will walk about with you. Ah ha my mistresses, which of you all will now deny to dance? This quote is extracted from the Capulets welcoming speech, clearly in a good mood. This shows the merry mood he intends for the party to have and his humour and jolliness rubs off on the rest of the guests, as the party eventually breaks into song and dance. We can also see from his speech these intentions when he says A hall a hall, give room and foot it girls. This also shows his encouragement and eagerness to get the festivities started. We will write a custom essay on William Shakespeare creates a lot of tension for the audience in Romeo and Juliet during act one scene five specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now When Romeo first speaks of Juliet Oh she doth teach the torches to burn brightà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ it injects a lot of romance into the scene. Firstly Romeo uses a number of metaphors and similes to emphasise his view of Juliets beauty, So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows. This shows that Romeo compares her to being the most beautiful in the room and standing out from the rest of the women, as the dove symbolises Juliet and her beauty amongst the dark crows. It seems she hangs upon the cheek of the nightà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ This quote is Romeo descriptively stating his overwhelming his praising view of her and her radiance, which again effectively shows the romance and passion. This part of the scene is a sonnet, which is very poetic compared to the other sections of this scene, making it a unique style from the rest of the language within the scene. When Tybalt realises a Montague is present at his familys party, he becomes very outraged and rather hotheaded that they had dared to trespass the party. This by voice should be a Montague, fetch me a rapier boy. This quote shows his sheer outrage and hatred towards the Montague family marking the beginning of conflict in order to get revenge for what they have done. So much does he feel angered that he is willing to disrupt the peaceful and merry mood of the party in order to do so. However surprisingly Capulet disagrees with this and a strong conversation develops between the two family members. Why, uncle tis a shameà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Go to go to. This quote shows that Capulet is intolerant of Tybalts intentions to retaliate and the conversation becomes further heated, whilst seeing a different side to Capulet for the first time. You are a saucy boy. Ist so indeed? This quote from Capulet shows an insult thrown at Tybalt being so insolent, noting that at the time of writing these words were considered to be rather strong, even though not seeming much now. In terms of how this part between the two men should be played, the actors should portray these lines by Capulet showing a strong contrast between his jolliness at the start of the scene to his anger at the present time. Both actors should show strong expressions whilst arguing to strongly emphasise the disagreements between the two hotheaded men to the audience. Body language is also important too. Whilst facing the audience, gestures should be used to again exaggerate the situation and the mood of the characters. .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9 , .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9 .postImageUrl , .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9 , .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9:hover , .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9:visited , .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9:active { border:0!important; } .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9:active , .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9 .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue9a7dec38d8033855e4470be66612ef9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Presentation of Evil EssayParticularly in lines 90/91, Tybalt gives a number of warnings and further implications between the families for the future. Although at the end of the argument with Capulet he agrees to calm, he clearly shows this is only for the short term and he may use this as a reason to seek revenge and conflict with the opposing family. Tybalt is clearly going to be the first to make a move with the fights and revenge as shown in lines 88-91. Patience perforce with wilful choler makes my flesh tremble in their different greeting. I will withdraw, but this intrusion shall, now seeming sweet, convert to bitterest gall. Tension is increased for the audience, as they know who Romeo and Juliet are in terms of family ties, and the tension is also built up in this scene in many other ways. Firstly the tension is increased when Romeo and Juliet begin to talk on a one to one basis. My lips two blushing pilgrims ready to stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss. This quote gives evidence of Romeo being desperate to kiss Juliet- his object of affection, and compares her to being like a shrine to him. The tension builds because instead of an immediate embrace between them both, they talk romantically to each other for a while. This leaves the audience in suspense as to whether they kiss each other or not, and begin a romance. There is also hesitance between Romeo and Juliet questioning each other as to whether to kiss and if they have fallen in love with each other. Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too? Ay pilgrims lips that that they must use in prayer. These quotations give evidence of the couples constant questioning of their possible love for one another. As the conversation intensifies and Romeo and Juliet are about to embrace tension therefore increases because the audience know that if they do, they shall both be eventually heartbroken when they discover their family identities, which are  known to the audience already. This is an example in this scene of dramatic irony. In the final section of the scene, Romeo and Juliet discover separately who they both are. The tension increases by the fact that Romeo only discovers Juliets identity by knowing who her mother is and catching on then to her Capulet household name. What is her mother? Her mother is lady of the houseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Is she a Capulet? Oh dear account my life is my foes debt. This conversation between he and the nurse shows how he learns about Juliet and of the realisation that he is getting involved with a member of the opposing family- the Capulets. Note that Romeo asks indirectly about Juliet, which again causes tension because he is afraid that the nurse will discover his romantic intentions and that she as a result would ruin it. His name is Romeo, and a Montagueà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ This is spoken by the nurse to Juliet informing her of her worst fears like Romeo of their backgrounds. From these quotes therefore tension occurs when both realise from the nurse individually who they truly are, and the dismay that they both feel when they know that their true love for one another could be destroyed due to their name. My grave is like to be my wedding bed. This quote from Juliet, states that she will either die unmarried or she will die if she cannot marry Romeo under all these circumstances. This is an omen for the future because she ironically dies later on as a result of all her love for Romeo. My life is my foes debt. Romeo quotes this also when discovering about Juliet, means that his life is dependant on his enemy. This is again an omen for the future because he also dies as a result of his household enemy but Juliet in the end. This again is an example of dramatic irony whereby we see them speaking omens for the future, and then because of their romance becoming real. .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe , .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe .postImageUrl , .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe , .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe:hover , .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe:visited , .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe:active { border:0!important; } .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe:active , .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u74a53b2d6e1073aebfbf761562a8dabe:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Believable dramatic EssayIn conclusion Shakespeare has used many elements in order to create tension for the audience in this scene. He has used dramatic irony along with a build up in dialogue during Romeo and Juliets conversation to create tension for the audience. This proves to be very effective upon analysing it. Also Shakespeare has developed an alternative style and use of language when Romeo describes the beauty and his love for Juliet. He uses a sonnet and poetic, romantic styles along with uses of similes and metaphors to emphasise his love for her. This was effective because it is a turning point when the audience views Romeo falling in love with the enemy, and from the style the tension increases for the audience as the irony again comes into effect. Shakespeare also adds lines into the lines of Romeo and Juliet when they discover their identities that imply hints for future events. These are also constructive  because he mixes present and future occurrences in small hints and statements like the omens. The actors portraying all the characters in this scene would firstly show a contrast in Capulets mood, from his jolly mood at the beginning of the scene to his heated conversation with Tybalt. It is important to use as much vocal facial and bodily expressions as possible in this scene. This is because there are so many feelings, and emotions to portray strongly to the audience. The scenes involving Romeo and Juliet should be acted passionately with lots of vocal expression. This is because the scenes are romantic and very dramatic in order to show to the audience the extent of their love.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Arrange Direct Deposit With the Canada Revenue Agency

Arrange Direct Deposit With the Canada Revenue Agency The government of Canada has been pushing to phase out the use of paper checks for government payments. Those who havent yet enrolled in direct deposit can still receive paper checks, but the government is trying to move as many people as possible to the electronic option. Its an optional (but strongly recommended) perk for anyone receiving government checks of any kind. The Canadian government began its campaign to convert people to the direct deposit option beginning in 2012. It estimated that the cost of producing a check was around 80 cents while making a direct deposit payment costs the Canadian government about 10 cents. Government officials said they expected to save about $17 million annually with the conversion to direct deposit, and it would be a greener option as well. Government checks are still being sent by mail in Canada to people living in remote areas where there is little or no access to banks. The rest of the approximately 300 million government payments are being delivered via bank direct deposit. Like with payroll direct deposits, the funds from Canadian programs are made available immediately upon issue, instead of the recipient having to wait for the check to arrive in the mail. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) handles payments for a variety of different programs, and all are eligible for direct deposit payments. The list includes: Canadian income tax refundsGST/HST credit and any related provincial paymentsworking income tax benefit (WITB) advance paymentsCanada child tax benefit (CCTB) payments and related provincial paymentsUniversal child care benefit (UCCB) payments Change in Personal Information There are several ways Canadians can request direct deposit of these payments or to inform the CRA of a change in their bank or mailing information, which is required. You can use the My Account Tax Service online or send your income tax return by mail. Canadians can complete a Direct Deposit Enrollment form at any time, and send it via the mail. If you prefer to update your information by phone, call 1-800-959-8281. You can get help completing the direct deposit information, starting or canceling the service, changing your banking information or adding other payments to an existing direct deposit account. Notify the CRA as soon as possible about a change in address or your payments, either by direct deposit or mail, may be interrupted. You must also notify the CRA as soon as possible if you change your bank account. Do not close the old bank account until you have received a payment in the new one. Direct Deposit Not Required When it first began the push toward direct deposit, there was some confusion about whether it was going to be required for Canadian government payments. But those who prefer to receive paper checks may continue to do so. The government wont be phasing out paper checks entirely. If youre not interested in the program, simply dont enroll.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Bible And Truth And Reconciliation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bible And Truth And Reconciliation - Essay Example She later went on to receive a graduate Degree in Instructional Design and managed to work as a Training and Development Specialist for Fortune 500 companies for several years (Richardson, 23).  Juliana Taimoorazy own unique story as a refugee has contributed in making her a strong leader and an unshakable voice for Christians living in Iraq today. Having had to flee Iran in 1989 due to the then religious persecution, she was smuggled into Switzerland where she spent seven days in a monastery in Zurich after which was smuggled again into Germany where she sought religious asylum. She later came to America as a refugee in the December of 1990 after spending one year in Germany. Taimoorazy later attended Northeastern Illinois University and began mentoring young Christian women arriving in Chicago from refugee camps in Turkey and Syria. This is the experience that led her to the formation of the Iraqi Christian Relief Council, a nonprofit organization that cooperates with other U.S. entities in educating Americans about the religious and ethnic cleansing occurring to Christians in Iraq. The group†²s major objective has been in raising awareness, obtaining financial assistance and requesting prayers for the Iraqi Christians (Richardson, 47).  In the year 2006, Juliana made a commitment to become a greater voice and advocate for the persecuted church in Iraq and refugees who have since resettled in the United States. Through her organization, which she formed in 2007, she has managed to help thousands of displaced Christians throughout Iraq with food, shelter, and medicine. Through her activism and several media appearances on Fox News, News Max, and other several Christian radio programs, she has tirelessly managed to promote the cause of the Assyrian Christians throughout the world (Jackson and Claire, 24).  Christian persecution has been a major issue in most of the Islamic states.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Order and Robert Mathews, its history Term Paper

The Order and Robert Mathews, its history - Term Paper Example The Order (also known as Bruders Schweigen, or Silent Brotherhood) drew its members from the National Alliance, Aryan Nations, and various Klan splinter groups. As a blueprint for its "revolution," The Order relied upon William Pierces novel The Turner Diaries and many of the crimes for which Order members were convicted resembled terrorist acts described in the book. â€Å"Robert Jay Mathews, was born in Marfa, TX, United States on 16-Jan-1953,† (Robert Mathews). He was an average student in school and was interested in history and politics. The book called ‘Which Way Western Man?’ by William Gayley Simpson, attracted, and influenced him a lot. He was in absolute agreement with the content of the book, the dangers faced by the  white race, and he began an effort to attract white families. His ability to deliver attractive speeches received many standing ovations. Gradually he assembled a group of eight other men and formed a group which he called ‘Silent Brotherhood’, later known as ‘The Order’. The main aim of the Order was to establish an Autonomous White Homeland in the Northwest United States and also to fight against the Jewish supremacies. They engaged in different types of campaign to create the revolutionary structure required to gain White independence, and self-determination. As per the plan drafted by Mathews, the first aim of the gang was to find money for the operations. â€Å"In its first year, The Order began accumulating a war chest for its real-life revolution when three members stole $369 from a Spokane, Washington store. Soon thereafter the group launched a counterfeiting operation at the Aryan Nations compound in Hayden Lake, Idaho,. Before the end of 1983, Robert Matthews robbed the Seattle City Bank of $25,000†. Order members diverted police by exploding a bomb in a Seattle theater while other members robbed an armored car parked outside a department store, seizing $500,000.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Discussing the key points of the movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussing the key points of the movie - Essay Example The main point of this movie is about doing a favor for someone and then expecting that good deed to be paid forward. Unconsciously, Trevor’s act of kindness was paid forward to many people. It was a cycle and an act of kindness which was unbroken, reaching people he did not know and who did not know him. But indeed, it started with his act of kindness. One of the other main points which have to be considered for this movie is the bravery which Trevor took on in his act of kindness. His good deed could have been scoffed and rejected by other people. This was a risk he took when he paid the favor forward, but he took the risk anyway. He was resolute in his belief that his good deed would merit more good deeds from other people; and this braveness and firm resolution became infectious, and was able to transcend his simple act of kindness. Another important point of the story is that people are basically good and kind. All that is needed perhaps is a trigger for this kindness to emerge. The trigger was Trevor. Even if people were most likely scoffing at his plans and his acts of kindness, deep inside, they probably also wanted to see how their own acts of kindness would affect other people. This goodness can emerge when people are also brave enough to pay a favor forward. A single act of resolute braveness can change a person’s mindset. It can transform him from a cynical person to one who is more inclined to believe in people’s basic goodness. These various points resonate in society today, in the sense that, it is also difficult and seemingly unimaginable for people to extend acts of kindness to other people. There is a certain cynicism among people about paying a favor forward or even basically doing a simple act of kindness. Some find it corny, others immediately ask what is in it for them, and others ask what the act of kindness would cost them in the future. It is with these cynical beliefs which make it also difficult to

Friday, November 15, 2019

Can Neutropenic Cancer Patients Be Nursed Effectively Nursing Essay

Can Neutropenic Cancer Patients Be Nursed Effectively Nursing Essay On my clinical rotation I have observed that oncology patients are being nursed in wards which have patients with other conditions. Some of the oncology patients were severely neutropenic. This poses a greater risk for infections since the white blood cells needed to fight infection is very low. It has been noted that patients with infectious diseases such as tuberculosis are being nursed on the same ward, along with burn patients and HIV patients. It was observed however that the most neutropenic patients were being barrier nursed. However it was still observed that many times members of staff entered the room without wearing a mask or washing their hands and most of the times the patient also wore no mask. The cleaning staff also entered the rooms and cleaned without wearing masks and would sometimes clean an infectious persons room prior to cleaning the cancer patient room. These observations have led me to ask the question whether neutropenic cancer patients can be effectively nu rsed on a ward with others patients of contagious illnesses. This issue is significant to oncology nursing and cancer care since it addresses the practices of nursing and also plays an important part in patient outcomes. It has been estimated that each year in the United States there were sixty thousand cases of cancer patients hospitalized with neutropenia. About two thirds of that number has reported infections and the estimated inpatient mortality rate of those patients is seven percent (Segal, 2008). Infections also cost hospitals a lot of money that could be spent on other health issues. It was estimated that infections have added thirty billion dollars to the US hospital cost while consumers also have to pay part of the cost (McCaughey, 2005). A search was carried out using internet data bases and articles were found which lends support to the use of barrier nursing and other methods as effective tools in infection control. Barrier Nursing is nursing a patient so as to erect a barrier to the passage of infectious pathogenic organisms between the contagious patient and other patients and staff in the hospital, and thence to the outside world (Last, 2010).It involves the use of having the patient isolated in a separate room and if not possible they are screened on an open ward. The nurse would wear a gown, mask and gloves when attending to the patient and observe strict hand washing and aseptic techniques (Last, 2010). Reverse barrier nursing or protective isolation is where the susceptible patient is isolated to prevent them from getting infections. It involves limiting the number of staff and visitors that interact with the patient especially if they are ill. It also involves limiting attending to a contagious patient then attending to the immunocompromised patient. All staff should be aware of the precautions and the doors should be appropriately labeled (The Leeds Teaching Hospital, 2003). According to the American Cancer Society (2009), neutropenia is described as a deficiency of neutrophils. Neutrophils are the largest number of white bloods cells in the body and are crucial to the bodys defense system. Some cancers such as the lymphomas and some leukemias directly affect the immune system and causes low blood counts. In other cases the cancer treatment received such as chemotherapy and radiation results in damage to the immune system (American Cancer Society, 2009). When the immune system is damaged or suppressed it is referred to as immunosupression. When this occurs the white blood cells especially neutrophils are unable to fight off infections and the person is highly susceptible to getting an infection. Infections can be caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi (American Cancer Society, 2009). Some studies have suggested that proper hand hygiene by the patient and the nurse along with immunization, antifungal and antibacterial prophylaxis have show to be the most effective methods of infection control. Avoiding contact with persons who are ill with respiratory illnesses has also been suggested (Zitella, Friese, Hauser, Gobel, Woolery, OLeary and Andrews, 2006). The Center for Disease Control recommends hand washing as the most important means of spreading infection especially in susceptible populations such as the immunocompromised. It is also important between different patients in high risk units such as between cancer patients and HIV patients (LeTexier, 2000). Other studies have suggested that barrier nursing is needed for all immunocompromised patients. Some infections are seen mostly in certain disease populations for example Candida infections are found in many HIV patients. However the question of whether neutropenic patients should be housed close to HIV patients needs to be further researched. Rather strict hygiene practices along with prophylactic treatment have been suggested (Lortholary Dupont, 1997). It is suggested that all clinical staff and other health care workers are periodically trained in infection control and there should be consistent evaluation of techniques being used. The nurse is in a unique position to ensure that infection spread is reduced by carrying out and monitoring aseptic practices; ensuring the environment is clean to prevent spread of micro organisms and to protect the patient from ill staff and visitors (Collins, n.d). Some studies have also indicated that there is little evidence that reverse barrier nursing is effective especially where there is no laminar air flow or HEPA-filtered rooms available. However some studies indicate that the filtered rooms can reduce morbidity and mortality in patients with leukemia (Seshadri Baumann, 2008). The use of reverse isolation of any type for patients with solid tumors who are neutropenic is discouraged since there are no studies to prove it is helpful rather it can cause anxiety and confusion for patients, their families, and healthcare workers (Seshadri Baumann, 2008). After reviewing the literature the question can be answered that neutropenic patients can be effectively nursed on these wards with the collaboration of all the members or the health care team in carrying out proper hygienic methods.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Plague as a Metaphor in Shelleys The Last Man :: Shelley The Last Man

The Plague as a Metaphor in Shelley's The Last Man      Ã‚   The Last Man was Mary Shelley's most ambitious and experimental work. Necessitating that a plague, which decimates mankind, is justified in its pursuit, Mary Shelley creates a world where utopian ideals can cause the destruction of mankind, if they are not checked by moral and ethical standards. Published in 1826, the novel was widely pilloried by a public who found it's gloomy tone and high Romanticism to be 'out of touch' with a more progressive society. Mary Shelley's concept of humanity decimated by a deadly plague affronted progressive politicians as godless and as a result, the novel was banned in Austria and became more of an in topic at dinner parties than a book to be seriously read. Since its publication, Mary Shelley scholars have ignored The Last Man and concentrated on Frankenstein because of the novel's reflection of the influential Romantic circle of Lord Byron and Percy Shelley. It wasn't until the feminist movement of the 1970's that the novel underwent a re birth and became critically judged as a work far superior to Frankenstein. Written three years after the death of Percy Shelley, The Last Man is a reflection of the political influence of William Godwin and the Romantic ideals of Lord Byron and Percy Shelley. Despite her initial desire to dedicate the work to the ideology of these men, The Last Man serves as Mary Shelley's repudiation of the utopian ideal perpetuated by Godwin, Shelley and Lord Byron. The plague serves as a metaphor for the failure of the utopian ideal to support the traditional needs of the family. As a biographical and political novel, The Last Man is Mary Shelley's quest to understand her husband, father and Lord Byron's political ideals and their subsequent failure to support her and her children.    Mary Shelley led a most extraordinary life. As the daughter of the radical writers, Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin, it appeared to be Mary's destiny to earn a living through her writing. As she states in her 1831 preface to Frankenstein, "It is not singular that, as the daughter of two persons of distinguished literary celebrity, I should have very early in life thought of writing" (Hindle 5). After the death of Percy Shelley in 1822, Mary spent the next three years trying to atone for what she believed were her sins against Shelley.